Turtle Art: Inspired Artwork

Some things have themes. And now we have Turtle Art. A place where the funky gets funkier. Funky, right? What is going on now in the land of PG Funky now? Funkiness. That’s the theme if you didn’t get it. Now, I have been tasked with making artwork that was inspired by past Quest Academy students. I found the previous artwork in the Turtle Art Gallery. There are so many amazing projects. I suggest looking through them if you are a coder or just want something to do. There were so many projects that I really enjoyed. The one that inspired me to go to my funkiest turtle art places was “Not Not”. I liked the repeating shape aspect of “Not Not”. My smooth brain told me to make a repeating shape on a grid. I used those ideas along with its colored backdrop to create my funky creation.

I used the set shade block to set the color to ZERO! If you use the color block you cannot get black, Zero is the darkest color in the set shade block. I set the pen size to 5000 to make sure I covered the whole area in black so there was no funky business.

I changed the pen size back to 5. I started using “Box blocks” which are variable blocks. In my code, the block is used so that for every 4 times the turtle goes forward it will add 10 units of movement to the forward block so it will repeatedly get bigger. I used this along with the random color block to make my repeating squares background. I think the random color made the project more visually pleasing.

The last step is the repeating circles from the art “Not Not”. I had to use the random block so the block will be placed randomly. After I created this, I used a repeat block six times to have six circles. Isn’t that funky? My project was complete. My funky funky, it is time to reveal the funkiest funk in all of the turtle art.

I call it “Funky Time.” I think this project will have helped me the most in the future. The resources of codes in the Turtle Art Gallery and the extra codes will be essential to my future in turtle art. I will always appreciate my teacher who helped me with this project because he showed me how to use “Box Blocks” because I needed a variable type block, but did not know how to find one. I wanted some grid in the background of my project to give it some detail. I could not figure out how to create it. I used the “store in” block and named it “Forward”. After, I set the value to 100. I then put the repeat code to and used the starter code as my square except I replaced the value with the “Forward” block from earlier. Now, it adds 100 units of movement to the turtle after every time it repeats. I look forward to using this tool in the future. It is hard to grasp at first. I do think the Box tool is essential for any funky turtle art coders out there. Once I figured out everything, I was really surprised how it turned out. Watching my code became a game to me now. I really liked the randomness of the code because every time there would be different colors in different places and the circles were also in different places. It is indeed random. It took me three tries to actually get a good version for this blog. If you’re bored, play the funkiest game of them all. The greatest game of all time. How did we go from turtle art to gaming? Well then.

Now that was some funky funky.

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